The key to successful church planting is identifying the right person, called of God, with the right gifts, the right heart, in the right place and at the right time. The assessment process helps to identify and affirm those potential leaders that the church needs today.

How Assessment Will Help You

Before the advent of assessment centres, new church plants had a success rate of less that 50%. This means that of ten church plants less than five made it past 3 years as an established and self supporting church.

In the early 1990’s Church Planting assessment centres were developed to evaluate persons who would be suitable as successful church planters. This selection process and follow up coaching has significantly impacted the rate of successful church plants. Today, the success rate is over 90%.

Success has been defined as functioning well and self supporting after 5 years of existence. We believe church planting assessment centres are one of the best investments in ministry for persons sharing the vision of reaching people for Jesus Christ through the planting of new churches.

What is an Assessement Centre?

It is a time to rub shoulders with a group of people that are investigating whether God has called them to church planting and to see if you meet the profile of a church planter. It is a time to visit with expert practitioners in the field of church planting and to learn from them. It is an intense four days that uses a variety of inventories, activities, and evaluations to help you better understand your call.

It is an opportunity for you to recieve feedback in the following areas:

What Benefits Can You Expect From an Assessment?

Persons considering church planting will receive: