NORM FUNK Lead Pastor of Westside Church (Vancouver, BC) will be in Atlantic Canada to inspire and equip pastors on the responsibility of proclaiming the gospel in a faithful and effective manner.

This one day training cadre is being offered to all who wish to attend.

We believe all local church pastors who carry the responsibility of preaching God’s word each week will greatly benifit from this event.

The Preacher & the Bible
The Preacher & Preaching
The Preacher & Planning Ahead
The Preacher & Soul Care

Please note there are 2 locations & dates for this event. Click on the link below to register and purchase your ticket ($25 includes lunch).

Moncton – May 11

Halifax – May 12

For more info or email [email protected]


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6181 Lady Hammond Rd, Halifax, NS, Atlantic B3K 2R9